
Download the Selenium Remote Control JAR from and run:

$ java -jar /path/to/selenium-server.jar

This starts the server process that your tests will connect to to spawn and control the browser.

Choose the appropriate test layer (see Integration) and create a test case:

import gocept.selenium.wsgi
from mypackage import App

test_layer = gocept.selenium.wsgi.Layer(App())

class TestWSGITestCase(gocept.selenium.wsgi.TestCase):

    layer = test_layer

    def test_something(self):'http://%s/foo.html' % self.selenium.server)

Environment variables

You can configure the selenium server that gocept.selenium connects to from the command line. Selenium RC defaults to localhost:4444, but you can also connect to a selenium grid in your organization by using the following environment variables:

If multiple browsers are connected to your selenium grid, you can choose the browser to run the tests with as such:


When you are running your selenium tests on a selenium grid, you need to instruct the browser which host and port to connect to:


The default for the port to bind is 0 which let the kernel choose a random, free port.

When you are testing an application on one machine, you can access the running application from another machine if you set GOCEPT_SELENIUM_APP_HOST = instead of the default localhost.

You can set the speed with which the tests are run through an environment variable:


This example will introduce a 500 millisecond pause between tests.

Tips & Tricks

Using a custom Firefox profile

For debugging purposes it’s helpful to have the Firebug debugger available in the Selenium-controlled browser. To do that, create a new Firefox profile and install Firebug into it. Then you can tell Selenium to use this profile for running Firefox:

$ java -jar /path/to/selenium-server.jar -firefoxProfileTemplate ~/.mozilla/firefox/<PROFILE_FOLDER>

Using a nested X Server

Under Linux, the Selenium-controlled browser tends to steal the mouse focus, which makes it impossible to do anything else while a Selenium test is running. To prevent this, use Xephyr (successor of Xnest) to start an X server contained in a window, for example:

Xephyr -host-cursor -dpi 100 -wr -screen 1400x900 $display &
export DISPLAY=$display
sleep 2
metacity &  # or any other window manager
x-terminal-emulator -e java -jar /path/to/selenium-server.jar