
1.1.2 (2012-12-21)

  • Fix: Initialise the WSGI layer in the correct order to actually allow the configured WSGI app to be remembered.
  • Fix: updated some imports after the extraction of gocept.httpserverlayer.

1.1.1 (2012-12-19)

  • Update StaticFilesLayer to the new httpserverlayer API.

1.1 (2012-12-19)

  • Extract HTTP server integration into separate package, gocept.httpserverlayer

1.0 (2012-11-03)

  • Marking the API as stable.

0.17 (2012-11-01)

  • Added gocept.selenium.skipUnlessBrowser decorator to skip tests unless ceratins browser requirements are met.
  • Fix: The static test server did not shutdown in some situations.

0.16 (2012-10-10)

  • Fixed selenese popup tests.
  • Open a random port for the server process by default: When the environment variable GOCEPT_SELENIUM_APP_PORT is not set, a random free port is bound. This allows parallel testing, for instance (#11323).

0.15 (2012-09-14)

  • WSGI-Layer is comptabile with Python 2.5.
  • Encoding support in converthtmltests (Patch by Tom Gross <>).
  • XHTML support for selenium tables (Patch by Tom Gross <>).

0.14 (2012-06-06)

  • API expansion: Added assertCssCount. Thus requiring selenium >= 2.0.
  • Added Trove classifiers to package metadata.
  • Moved code to Mercurial.

0.13.2 (2012-03-15)

  • Fixed WSGI flavor: There was a RuntimeError in tear down if the WSGI server was shut down correctly.

0.13.1 (2012-03-15)

  • Updated URL of bug tracker.
  • script extra no longer requires elementtree on Python >= 2.5.

0.13 (2012-01-30)

  • Added a selenese assert type ‘list’ and added it to the window management query methods.
  • API expansion: added openWindow.
  • API change: filter the result of getAllWindowNames to ignore ‘null’.
  • backwards-compatible API change: selectWindow now selects the main window also when passed the window id None or no argument at all.
  • pinned compatible ZTK version to 1.0.1, grok version to 1.2.1, generally pinned all software packages used to consistent versions for this package’s own testing

0.12 (2011-11-29)

  • API expansion: added getAllWindow* and selectWindow.

0.11 (2011-09-15)

  • Added some notes how to test a Zope 2 WSGI application.
  • Described how to test a Zope 2/Plone application if using plone.testing to set up test layers.

0.10.1 (2011-02-02)

  • Improvements on the README.
  • Wrote a quick start section for packages using ZTK but using instead of
  • Allowed to use regexp as pattern prefix for regular expressions additionally to regex to be compatible with the docstring and the Selenium documentation.

0.10 (2011-01-18)

  • Script that generates python tests from Selenium HTML tables. Reused from KSS project, courtesy of Jeroen Vloothuis, original author.
  • Using a URL of Selenium RC in README where version 1.0.3 can be downloaded (instead of 1.0.1) which works fine with Firefox on Mac OS X, too.

0.9 (2010-12-28)

  • Provide integration with the recent testlayer approach ( used by Grok (#8260).
  • Provide integration with plone.testing
  • Make browser and RC server configurable (#6484).
  • Show current test case in command log (#7876).
  • Raise readable error when connection to RC server fails (#6489).
  • Quit browser when the testrunner terminates (#6485).

0.8 (2010-10-22)

  • Fixed tests for the StaticFilesLayer to pass with Python 2.4 through 2.7.
  • API expansion: getSelectOptions

0.7 (2010-08-16)

  • API expansion: getElementHeight|Width, getCookie* and a few others.
  • lots of action methods (mouse* among others)

0.6 (2010-08-09)

  • assertXpathCount now also takes ints (#7681).
  • API expansion: add isChecked to verify checkboxes, runScript, clickAt, getLocation, getSelectedValue, getSelectedIndex.
  • The pause method uses float division now. Pauses where implicitly rounded to full seconds before when an int was passed.
  • The name of the factored test layer contains the module of the bases now. The name is used by zope.testrunner distinguish layers. Before this fix selenium layers factored from base layers with the same names but in different modules would be considered equal by zope.testrunner.
  • The factored ZTK layer cleanly shuts down the http server in tearDown now. This allows to run different selenium layers in one go.

0.5 (2010-08-03)

  • Add a static files test layer for running selenium tests against a set of static (HTML) files.
  • Patterns now also work with multiline strings, i. e. ‘foo*’ will match ‘foonbar’ (#7790).

0.4.2 (2010-05-20)

  • API expansion: *keyDown, *keyUp, keyPress.

0.4.1 (2010-04-01)

  • API expansion: added getSelectedLabel.
  • Ignore the code of a server’s response when calling open. The default behaviour of SeleniumRC changed between 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 but we want the old behaviour by default.

0.4 (2010-03-30)

  • API expansion: add getLocation to retrieve currently loaded URL in browser.
  • API expansion: added waitForPopUp, selectPopUp, deselectPopUp and close.
  • API expansion: added verifyAlertPresent, verifyAlertNotPresent and waitForAlertPresent.
  • Usability: raise a better readable exception when an unimplemented selenese method is called.
  • Usability: raise failure exceptions that convey the name of the failed assertion in spite of some lambdas wrapped around it.

0.3 (2010-01-12)

  • Extracted ‘host’ and ‘port’ as class attributes of gocept.selenium.ztk.Layer so subclasses can override them; stopped hardcoding 8087 as the server port.

0.2.1 (2009-12-18)

  • Fix incomplete sdist release on PyPI.

0.2 (2009-12-18)

  • Make Zope 2 test server reachable from the outside.
  • Implemented getTitle/assertTitle/waitForTitle/etc.

0.1 (2009-11-08)

  • first release