API reference

Selenese API

The Selenese object available as self.selenium for each TestCase provides methods to control the browser, and to make assertions about things the browser sees.

For a detailed list of commands and assertions please consult the Selenium Reference.

Assertions come in several flavours:

  • Return the value self.selenium.getText('id=foo')
  • Assert self.selenium.assertText('id=foo', 'blabla')
  • Negated Assert self.selenium.assertNotText('id=foo', 'blabla')
  • Wait self.selenium.waitForElementPresent('id=foo')
  • Negated Wait self.selenium.waitForNotElementPresent('id=foo')

Test helpers

Skipping tests for certain browsers

There are cases when a test should does not pass on certain browsers. This is either due to the application using browser features which are not supported by the browser, or due to selenium not working well with the browser. To aid in skipping tests in these cases, there is a test decorator gocept.selenium.skipUnlessBrowser(name, version=None):

>>> class TestClass(...):
... @gocept.selenium.skipUnlessBrowser('Firefox', '>=16.0')
... def test_fancy_things(self):
...     ...


skipUnlessBrowser only supports skipping test methods. It cannot be used as class decorator.


The version test is only supported for Python >= 2.5. For Python < 2.5 only a name check can be performed. Giving a version number will skip the test unconditionally.