
gocept.selenium provides integration with several web frameworks. Since version 1.1, however, the actual integration functionality has been extracted to gocept.httpserverlayer, so the recommended setup is to use one layer from there that integrates with your application (see gocept.httpserverlayer documentation for details) and provides an HTTP server, and then stack the layer from gocept.selenium on top of that, to provide the Selenium integration:

import gocept.httpserverlayer.wsgi
import gocept.selenium
from mypackage import App

http_layer = gocept.httpserverlayer.wsgi.Layer(App())
selenium_layer = gocept.selenium.RCLayer(
    name='SeleniumLayer', bases=(http_layer,))

class TestWSGITestCase(gocept.selenium.RCTestCase):

    layer = selenium_layer

    def test_something(self):'http://%s/foo.html' % self.selenium.server)

The previous set of layers that provide both the HTTP server and Selenium in one layer is still available. Different frameworks require different dependencies; this is handled via setuptools extras of gocept.selenium (e.g. for Grok integration you need to require gocept.selenium[grok]). Generally, you need a test layer that handles the setup, and then have your tests inherit from the appropriate TestCase.


No extra requirements (simply gocept.selenium).

This test layer takes a WSGI callable and runs it in a temporary HTTP server:

import gocept.selenium.wsgi
from mypackage import App

test_layer = gocept.selenium.wsgi.Layer(App())

class WSGIExample(gocept.selenium.RCTestCase):

    layer = test_layer

    def test_something(self):'http://%s/foo.html' % self.selenium.server)
        self.selenium.assertBodyText('Hello world!')

Static files

No extra requirements (simply gocept.selenium).

This test case provides a temporary directory (as self.documentroot) that is served via HTTP where tests can put HTML files to examine:

import gocept.selenium.static

class StaticFilesExample(gocept.selenium.static.TestCase):

    def test_something(self):
        open(os.path.join(self.documentroot, 'foo.html'), 'w').write(
            'Hello World!')
  'http://%s/foo.html' % self.selenium.server)
            self.selenium.assertBodyText('Hello world!')

Zope3 / ZTK (

Requires gocept.selenium[ztk].

This test layer wraps your usual ZCMLLayer that is used for typical ZTK functional tests, and provides an HTTP server for testing:

import gocept.selenium.ztk

zcml_layer =
    'ftesting.zcml', __name__, __name__, allow_teardown=True)
selenium_layer = gocept.selenium.ztk.Layer(zcml_layer)

class ZTKExample(gocept.selenium.ztk.TestCase):

    layer = selenium_layer

    def test(self):'http://%s/foo.html' % self.selenium.server)
        self.selenium.assertBodyText('Hello world!')

Zope3 / ZTK (

If your ZTK application uses, see Grok for integrating gocept.selenium.


Requires gocept.selenium[grok].

This test layer groks your package and sets everything up so Selenium can access the application. You will probably want to setup your app in your test setup:

import gocept.selenium.grok
import transaction

selenium_layer = gocept.selenium.grok.Layer(my.package)

class GrokExample(gocept.selenium.grok.TestCase):

    layer = selenium_layer

     def setUp(self):
         super(MyTest, self).setUp()
         root = self.getRootFolder()
         root['app'] = mypackage.App()

     def test(self):'/app')
         self.selenium.assertBodyText('Hello world!')

Zope 2

Requires gocept.selenium[zope2]

This test layer requires Testing.ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLiteLayer and provides an HTTP server for the tests. See gocept.selenium.zope2.tests.test_zope212 for details how to set this up.

Zope 2 via WSGI

If your Zope 2 setup supports it, you can use the WSGI integration instead of a specialised Zope 2 integration to run your tests.

You might see the following exception when running tests:

File ".../repoze.retry-1.0-py2.7.egg/repoze/retry/", line 55, in __call__
  cl = int(cl)
 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

To fix it you can use an additional middleware around your WSGI application: gocept.selenium.wsgi.CleanerMiddleware. It also fixes an issue with wsgiref. See comments in the code for more information.


Requires gocept.selenium[plone].

This test layer requires Products.PloneTestCase.laye.PloneSiteLayer and provides an HTTP server for the tests. See gocept.selenium.plone.tests.test_plone{3,4} for details how to set this up.

Zope 2 / Plone with plone.testing

Requires gocept.selenium[plonetesting].

gocept.selenium provides a plone.testing.Layer at gocept.selenium.plonetesting.SELENIUM that you can mix and match with your other layers, see gocept.selenium.plonetesting.testing with gocept.selenium.plonetesting.tests.zope2, and gocept.selenium.plonetesting.testing_plone with gocept.selenium.plonetesting.tests.plone{3,4} for details how to set this up.

Converting Selenese HTML files

Selenium tests can be written in HTML tables.

Their syntax is a bit clunky. But their development and debugging is eased a lot by using Selenium IDE Firefox extension. Selenium IDE provides both initial recording of tests and stepping through those tests. However, HTML tests have a main drawback: they are hard to include in a continuous integration system.

gocept.selenium provides a script that converts a set of Selenium HTML tests into a Python module with a TestCase (based on gocept.selenium and plone.testing).

Using the converthtmltests script, the developer can use HTML tests – written, debugged and maintained with the Selenium tools – while being able to easily include those Selenium tests in a continuous integration system.


converthtmltests -l LAYER [options] directory

  -f FILE, --file=FILE  write tests to FILE
  -l LAYER, --layer=LAYER
                        full python import path to layer instance

The script gathers and converts all Selenium HTML tests found in the mentioned directory.

The user must refer to a plone.testing layer by specifying its Python import path. That layer is set on the test case generated in the Python module.

An output file can be specified. In case no output file name is specified, the module produced is named

On Python-2.4, converthtmltests requires gocept.selenium[script].